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Brentwood PAC

The PAC is a forum for parents and guardians within each school community to discuss matters affecting the school and the education of their children. Parents and guardians voices are a tremendous value to their school, offering a wealth of ideas and support in the challenges that face all schools. PACs communicate with their parent community gathering and discussing issues of importance regarding their school in order to adequately advise those that influence their school. In addition to PAC meetings communication may also be done through, newsletters, telephone, email, and websites so that all parents have the opportunity for input. PACs, with strong participation from parents, have an important influence on life at the school and the feelings the community has toward the school and education. There is strong evidence that increased parent involvement in the school results in increased student achievement, accomplishment, satisfaction, and bonding all of which result in decreased dropout rates and better citizen.

Brentwood PAC aims to contribute to the benefit of all students at Brentwood School by providing opportunities to communicate more about the school, involving parents and guardians in volunteer activities and decision making and openly discussing concerns and aspirations for the school. Parents are encouraged and invited to bring forth issues, suggestions, or concerns relating to your school community by contacting a member of the PAC Executive in person, by email or by letter or attending a PAC meeting. The PAC is not a forum to discuss individual students/staff problems or conflicts but the PAC Executive can help you communicate with the school administration by facilitating meetings or by sitting with you while you meet.

The four main goals of the PAC are set out below.

Promote Effective Communication

The Brentwood PAC will ensure meaningful dialogue with the school administration and provide news and information to parents and guardians using Class Representatives, PAC News and the PAC website. The PAC will seek opportunities for parents and guardians to hear issues and provide insight and to vote on constitutional and funding issues in traditional and new ways.

Promote Education and Wellbeing

In consultation with the school administration the Brentwood PAC will purchase items for all students, provide a fun lunch and popcorn for the kids once a month, promote and support extra-curricular arts programs, promote and support safety and understanding for children through safe kids and other extra-curricular sessions.

Raise Funds To Benefit Students

The Brentwood PAC will raise money through activities and donations to support funding for school, provide efficiency in the PAC operation to reduce waste and costs to reduce overheads. For the future the PAC will aim to be smarter about raising money, with less direct parent contribution and more payment for services or using business donations where possible.

Support the Community

In keeping with the community spirit which enhances the relationship and involvement at the school the PAC will try wherever possible to keep services local (bank accounts, purchases and reach out to the community be holding meetings at other locations.

There are certain governing documents which provide for the work of the PAC. The Brentwood PAC Constitution is a self created document based on a standard which provides for the operation of the PAC. Essentially the elements within are to,

Help parents gain greater understanding of the school
Give input into school-based decisions
Advocate equal educational opportunities for all students
Liaise with other education partners and organizations
Provide methods to resolve problems between the school and community
Unify efforts of the school community towards the goal of quality education
Monitor and review school rules and conduct, educational programs and learning materials
Monitor and review school safety programs, equipment and the school building
Assist the School Planning Council
Participate in goal setting

The School Act gives parents the right, through PACs, to assume an advisory role in every school. PAC is the officially recognized collective voice of parents of their school. A PAC, through its elected officers, may advise the school board, the principal and staff of the school respecting any matter relating to the school other than matters assigned to the School Planning Council (SPC). As an autonomous body, the PAC must abide by its Constitution and Bylaws and the School Act.

The PAC advises the board and the principal and staff of the school respecting any matter relating to the school other than matters assigned to the school planning council, and at the request of the SPC, assist the SPC in carrying out its functions under this Act. The PAC also advises their District Parents’ Advisory Council (DPAC), British Columbia Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC), the Ministry of Education and any other organization, as they deem necessary. All parents and guardians of students registered in the school are automatically voting members of the PAC. As an autonomous body, the PAC must abide by its Constitution and Bylaws and the School Act.

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